The answer is Sola Scriptura. This is the Latin phrase for "Scripture alone".
In today’s society, we have lost a love and respect for God's word. We still "say" we love it, but our actions speak otherwise. The only time we read it is to look for promises to stand on when something goes wrong.
The Bible is the "God-breathed" word. Even though there are many writers, behind it there is one author, the triune God. It is without error and totally sufficient for everything God desires for man to know. Through it, God gives us faith for salvation.
In this book a variety of authors share different aspects of the sufficiency of scripture. Scripture is the only place we can go to for 100% reliable information on all that God is.
*Where did the cannon come from?
*Who's view of scripture is correct, Roman Catholic or Protestant?
*Is Scripture enough or do we need new revelations?
*What is tradition?
*How does the word change us?
Although "Sola Scriptura" is a short book, it contains some great doctrine. There are contributions from some of the leading Christian authors and Theologians of our time. Articles by John MacArthur, James White, RC Sproul, and many more makes this a must read for the Reformed Reader.
I recommend this book - 4.0 out of 5 Stars.
*This book was provided to me free of charge by Reformed Trust Publishers in exchange for an honest review.