I was wrong!
Goins does start out saying - if we are comfortable, we are probably not doing what God has called us to do. But he moves on to rebuke almost everyone.
You may say, "But I don't want to be rebuked". We all need a good kick in the pants every once in a while. The Bible says "iron sharpens iron". If everything is smooth throughout our lives, what have we accomplished?
Goins never really defines what he means by "Wrecked". At first this annoyed me. “Just tell me what you mean!” But that is the beauty of this book. Wrecked is not an instruction manual. It is like a drill sergeant yelling at you to “Straighten that tie and clean those shoes!!!”
Each person lives a different set of circumstances than his neighbor. What I am called to do may be different from you. That is the beauty of the body of Christ. Each part complements the others. Even if our callings are different, there are some principles we can all use to drive us forward toward what God has called us to do.
Wrecked tells us if the world does not break your heart, maybe you need a heart transplant. I am convinced when Jesus said come unto me, you who are weary and heavy laden; He was saying we don’t even realize we need Him until we are Wrecked.
When life is wonderful and all is going well, we tend to forget where those blessings come from. It is when we are on the verge of a breakdown that we stop and cry out to God – Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner!
Though this is not my usual pick of reading, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was inspired. The time flew by.
It is an easy read (or in my case, listen) but I would be wrong to say it was a light read. Could you call something light that feels like a punch in the gut? :)
I give this book 5 out of 5 stars
*I received this book, free of charge, from Moody Publishers and Cross Focused Reviews in exchange for an honest review.
ReplyDeleteThanks for being a part of our first ever audiobook review blog tour at Cross Focused Reviews. I'm so glad that you thoroughly enjoyed the book!
Shaun Tabatt
Cross Focused Reviews