Phillips starts off showing the difference in the death of a Christian and the death of an unbeliever. There is a vast difference. As Christians we still grieve, but our grief is different than the unbeliever. We have a hope, where the unbeliever has none.
At death, the believer goes to the presence of the Lord, but the unbeliever goes to eternal torment.
If death is part of the curse, why is it considered beautiful when a believer dies? Death was brought on by sin. It is still an enemy, but Christ has removed it's sting.
Phillips does a good job in a small amount of space, showing us what death is like and how we should react to it. He relates his own experience of the death of his father, to what other Christians go through.
I recommend this booklet, especially to those believers who have lost a loved one.
I give it a 5 out of 5 stars.
I received this book, free of charge, from P & R Publishing and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
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