I have only read one other John Frame book. I have always wanted to read more. With "Systematic Theology", I received a sample of the first 84 pages. Even with such a small portion, I can tell this book will be a great read.
Frame has a gift of taking Biblical doctrine and making it simple. The section I read gives a good idea of what the rest of the book will be like.
His focus is on the lordship of God. God is the ultimate authority. He created everything. That gives Him the power and authority over everything created.
Using the Lordship of God, Frame moves into a list of other Biblical doctrines.
I enjoyed the portion I read and will be purchasing the whole book in the near future. It will make a good addition to any christian library.
I give it 5 out of 5 stars.
I received this book, free of charge, from P&R Publishing Company and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
This, simple to read book, is pure gold. I can not wait to read it's companion book titled, "Crony Capitalism"
Here, Lewis shows us that true capitalism is not only the best economic model for any society, it is the only model. In America we have never truly tried pure capitalism. Because of Government intervention our economy always suffers. Inflation, higher taxes, government corruption - that is the norm in today’s America.
The author’s premise is that free prices (without government intervention) are not only an indicator of the health of our economy, it is it's very life blood. Prices show us what jobs are important, what products are no longer needed, what the future holds.
When we have government intervention, whether it is through printing money, raising / lowering interest rates, or capping prices, we have a group of men and women who think they know better that the collective desires of the rest of the country.
How can a few elected and unelected officials have enough knowledge to guide the economy with all of it's intricacies? They can not. All they do is make things worse. But they are too arrogant to admit that they can not even balance their own check books, let alone the government budget. The unintended consistences of their policies cost us billions more in taxes and inflation than if they would have just stayed on permanent vacation and let the free market work.
The reason I personally do not believe it is a government conspiracy is that I do not believe there is enough intelligence in Washington to pull off a conspiracy. Their ignorance, not their intelligence, is the cause of this mess.
Back to the book review. This is one awesome book. I would like to buy a few extra copies just to give out to friends - both Democrats and Republicans.
I highly recommend this book to everyone breathing. I can rap up this review in three words - READ IT NOW!
I give it 5 out of 5 stars.
I received this book, free of charge, from AC2 Books and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
What is Sanctification? Barbara Duguid, not only answers that question, but she also gives us examples from real life.
Many think that sanctification means a person sins less and less until they are almost perfect. Duguid shows us that, as we get closer to God, we see more of our sin. It is a humbling experience.
Who performs sanctification? God or man? She shows in this book it is us who live the life, but God gives us the ability through His grace.
God desires to change us. He shows us our failings to drive us back to him. If it was all about our strength, we can boast. If God's strength is shown in our weakness, God gets the glory.
In this book, Barbara lays her life open. She shares some stories that I am sure were hard to write. From problems with over-eating, to actually hating others, she lays herself bare before us. Reading many of these stories, gives the rest of us hope. Others also struggle with some of the same sins we deal with. It is easy to see others life as easy. It seems others do not face the same temptations we do. Barbara shows us that even the most dedicated Christian still deals with sin daily.
Our desire should be to throw off those sins and run to God. When we do fail we have a God who can not only forgive us, but who can give us the grace to stand.
This book was a great read. It drives us into the arms of a forgiving God.
I recommend it to all who are interested in drawing closer to God and want a good understanding of sanctification.
I give it 5 out of 5 stars.
I received this book, free of charge, from P&R Publishing Company and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Busy, Busy Busy!! Boy, I needed a book like this!
I tend to say "yes" to way too many things. At one time, I may be learning songs for worship, working on a book review, reading another book, studying for Men's group, playing a video game with my son, watching a show with my wife, not to mention everything at work, on and on ad infinitum.
Most people in this modern age not only are busy, but we are also distracted by new technologies (Phone, facebook, email, etc.).
Here, DeYoung takes a look at why we are so busy and gives us some suggestions on how to get a handle on our lives. He admits that he still struggles with the problem himself. It's like one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread.
The suggestions are practical and informative. Some examples are to get enough sleep, stop spending so much time in random web surfing, don't say yes - just to please people. He also balances his message by showing us that some busyness is just part of life.
The book is short and to the point. He realizes that a 600 page book about busyness would be a bad idea! It is easy and quick to read. I will try to use the suggestions and slow down a little.
I enjoyed this book and recommend it to anyone who feels overwhelmed with busyness.
I give it 5 out of 5 stars.
I received this book, free of charge, from Crossway and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.