Many think that sanctification means a person sins less and less until they are almost perfect. Duguid shows us that, as we get closer to God, we see more of our sin. It is a humbling experience.
Who performs sanctification? God or man? She shows in this book it is us who live the life, but God gives us the ability through His grace.
God desires to change us. He shows us our failings to drive us back to him. If it was all about our strength, we can boast. If God's strength is shown in our weakness, God gets the glory.
In this book, Barbara lays her life open. She shares some stories that I am sure were hard to write. From problems with over-eating, to actually hating others, she lays herself bare before us. Reading many of these stories, gives the rest of us hope. Others also struggle with some of the same sins we deal with. It is easy to see others life as easy. It seems others do not face the same temptations we do. Barbara shows us that even the most dedicated Christian still deals with sin daily.
Our desire should be to throw off those sins and run to God. When we do fail we have a God who can not only forgive us, but who can give us the grace to stand.
This book was a great read. It drives us into the arms of a forgiving God.
I recommend it to all who are interested in drawing closer to God and want a good understanding of sanctification.
I give it 5 out of 5 stars.
I received this book, free of charge, from P&R Publishing Company and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
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