"Life in Christ" is basically a book about the gospel. What must I do to be saved? Walker tells us - Look unto Jesus! It is not ourselves, our church, our family, our money, etc. It is Jesus and Him crucified! Jeremy does not stop there. He shows us what our life in Christ should look like and how God, not only changes a person, but births a new creation in them. We are not the same. We are new creatures.
This book is very understandable and easy to read. In some places I felt like I was reading a sermon from Spurgeon. Here is a small example:
"We look to Him at Calvary. There hangs the suffering, bleeding, dying Lamb. Look to Him, with the crown of thorns piercing His noble brow. Look to Him, with the blood pouring from His hands and feet, cruelly pierced with Roman nails. Look to Him as the gore drips from His wounded flesh, torn from His back by a vicious scourge. Look to Him as He bows His head in agony under the weight of His holy Father’s just anger against sin. Look to Him as He cries out from the midst of an impenetrable darkness, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?” Look to Him as He shouts with a loud voice, “It is finished!” Look to Him as He yields up His Spirit."
Wow, Just thinking of what Jesus done brings tears to our eyes. He took our place. He was punished for me! Like I heard an old preacher say years ago, "If that don't fire you up, your wood must be wet." What a savior we have!
I loved this book. It is not only written with sound doctrine, it also has, what Edwards called "Religious Affections". It will stir your heart toward Christ. If you need encouragement, not the feel-good self-esteem kind, but true gospel edification, this is the book for you.
I highly recommend this book to all, believer and unbeliever alike, and I give it 5 out of 5 stars.
I received this book, free of charge, from Reformation Heritage Books and Cross Focused Reviews in exchange for an honest review.
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