We were created to Worship.
Every night, along with his prayers, I ask my son - "What is the chief end of man?" He answers, "To glorify God and enjoy him forever". God deserves worship. We glorify him when we worship and give Him praise.
Isn't it selfish and arrogant that God would command us to worship Him? No, God is the only being that deserves worship. Unlike creatures, He is the creator of the universe and deserves worship. Does the potter not have control over the clay?
MacArthur shows us who God is and what worship looks like. Today, the church settles for gimmicks and showmanship. They desire to get new people in, so they resort to entertainment. Worship should be us focusing on God and him only.
John takes us through the conversation that Jesus had with the woman at the well. She asked where the correct place to worship was. Jesus answers her - we are to worship in "Spirit and Truth", Not in a certain place.
John shows us that God not only wants us to worship with our emotions, but he wants us to understand the God we are worshiping with our mind. When you do not know the truth about who God is, you are worshiping a God of your own imagination.
As always, MacArthur takes a deep subject and makes it accessible to the average Christian.
I highly recommend this book!
*This book was given free of charge by Moody Publishers in exchange for an honest review.
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