Today, many mainline Churches have practically removed the word "blood" from their literature. It seems an embarrassment to them. But why remove the very object that brings us salvation?
Anthony J. Carter's book on the blood of Christ and it's meaning is a breath of fresh air. He takes us through the accomplishments of Christs' blood.
Just as the blood of Abel cried out for justice, the Blood of Christ calls out for redemption and forgiveness of sins.
Subjects include:
Purchased by the blood
Propitiation by the blood
Justified by the blood
Redeemed by the blood
And much more.
This book is easy to read, but it gives you such a sense of awe at what God accomplished for us. To think that the Master of the Universe came down to become man, shed His blood to save a wretched sinner like me. If I had lived at the time of Jesus, I would probably have been one of those who yelled, "Crucify Him!"
It melts the heart to think that Christ loved me when I least deserved it. The wrath that was due for my sin was placed on the Son of God. The enmity that was between me and the Father was removed.
I have been justified. He has taken my sin upon Himself and He has now imputed His righteousness to my account. Wow, what a great deal! The Sovereign King has provided His son as a sacrifice in my stead. It all happened because of the BLOOD.
I highly recommend this book to all. It is a wonderful read.
I give it 5 out of 5 stars. If I could give it more I would!
I received this book free of charge from Reformed Trust Publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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