This is where the book comes in. The day after we finished the movies I saw "On the Shoulders of Hobbits" was available for review. What great timing. Finishing the movies made me long for more of the story.
Markos takes us through the story of Bilbo, Frodo, and Sam as they make their way through the journeys they were destined to take. We see how that relates to the journey in life we all take. Even though Tolkien says his stories are not allegory, they are a reflection of the very trials and suffering every Christian faces on our daily walk through life.
Markos not only teaches through Tolkien's books, he also ends each chapter with some thoughts on C.S. Lewis and Narnia.
We learn from this book about the friendship between both men. I had read a lot about Lewis, but Markos shows more of the relationship between him and Tolkien. The bits of trivia throughout the book are very interesting.
There is also a great annotated list at the end, showing other books to read concerning both Tolkien and Lewis.
I thoroughly enjoyed this read and would suggest it to any Lewis or Tolkien fan.If you have watched any of the "Lord of the Rings" or "Narnia" movies, you have to read this book!
I give it a 5 out of 5 stars.
*I received this book free of charge from Moody Publishers in exchange for an honest review.
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