One of the problems you run into, being in music ministry, is the ego. Everyone wants to sing, whether they can or not. Every one wants to be up front for everyone to see. This also includes those who can sing and know it. No one is above pride. We all want to feel good about ourselves, but many times we place ourselves in front, when we should be pointing others to God. Those who lead worship should be above reproach. To lead in worship is a sobering task that should not be taken lightly.
Miller's book takes us into the hidden desires behind leading worship. What are our motivations? Are we content to lead in a small church or do we feel we need to be seen? Miller strips down our motives and guides us to what our desires should be. Our priority should be to worship God and let Him be our single focus. If the only time we worship is on the stage, we are not worshiping, we are preforming.
He shows us what true worship means. Our worship on Sunday morning should be overflow from what we do all week. Sometimes, we think the music is the most important thing. Miller takes us through nine chapters showing us what we are as worshiper.
Here is a list:
1. What Are We?
2. We Are Worshipers
3. We Are Redeemed and Adopted
4. We Are Pastors and Deacons
5. We Are Theologians
6. We Are Storytellers (Liturgists)
7. We Are Evangelists
8. We Are Artists
9. We Are Christians
I enjoyed this small book and highly recommend it. If you sing in the Choir, on a worship team, or lead worship you should pick up a copy.
I highly recommend it and give it 5 out of 5 stars.
I received this book, free of charge, from Moody Publishers and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
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