Here we have a sort of survey of the whole Old Testament. The difference here, than other surveys, is the focus on Christ. The Old Testament was not just written to give us the history of the nation of Israel. It is God's story of “God in the flesh”, Jesus.
Clowney takes us from one event to another and shows us how they relate to the Savior. From Adam on through the rest of the Old Testament, he gives us details of how Jesus is the focus.
Why does the bible speak of Jesus as the Last Adam? Why is Jesus the true living bread, unlike the manna Israel received that rotted after a day? Why was He called the Lamb of God. To understand any of these things, we have to have a knowledge of the Old Testament. Jesus told the Jewish leaders that they read the scriptures but did not realize that they (the O.T) spoke of Him.
I once had a man tell me that his pastor should stay out of the O.T. and only preach the four gospels. That is a sad comment on the man's understanding of the bible. The O.T. is about Christ. When Abraham said God would provide a sacrifice instead of Isaac, he was not just speaking about the ram in the thicket, he was speaking of the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!
The whole bible is GOD'S word!
I enjoyed this book tremendously and give it 4 out of 5 stars.
I received this book, free of charge, from P&R Publishing Company and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
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