This is the Gospel - Salvation by Grace! Like Spurgeon said, it is "All of Grace" If God is the one who saves, we have nothing to boost about.
Barrett gives us an overview of the debate between Arminians and Calvinists. The difference from many other books on the same subject is the depth of thought. He not only gives us an overview, he takes us deeper into the subjects of depravity, free will, and grace. These are things that should make our hearts melt. To know that salvation is not by something I do (works) is a glorious freedom.
Here we find that we can not perform enough good works to be saved. We need God! We need Him to reach down and save us. We can not save ourselves.
The author shows in detail the difference between synergism and monergism. How much does God accomplish in salvation? How much does man? Where does faith come from? God or Man? Does unregenerate man have a free will? Does a sinner desire salvation? Does God offer salvation to all?
I truly enjoyed this book. It is one that should not only be read, but should be studied with pen in hand.
If you are looking for a fortune cookie devotional, this is not your book. But if you are looking for something to take you deeper into God's word and give you a reason to glorify God, this is you book.
I give it 5 out of 5 stars.
I received this book, free of charge, from P&R Publishing Company and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
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