That is one sentence you will never hear, unless like me, someone is being sarcastic.
Driscoll's writings and sermons always have a boldness that melts one person’s heart while angering another. This book is no exception.
In, "A Call to Resurgence", Mark calls the church out and gives us a well deserved kick in the pants. For too many years we have allowed the world to march off a cliff, as we stand on the side lines and complain about it. Yes, Jesus said we will be persecuted, but that does not give us an excuse to let the world go to hell because we got our feelings hurt.
My favorite section was concerning tribes. He lists the many tribes we are associated with. Even if you do not like using labels, each one of us fits into one or more categories. Because of this, we are like clubs that do not allow others in or we never try to reach out.
Whether we wear a three-piece suit and use Greek words every other sentence or we have a soul patch and use the word “Dude” way to often, Mark has something to say to you.
Mark shows us that our belief systems are understandable, but we should not use them to stop us from sharing the Gospel with the world. We do have a set of doctrines that we must believe to be Christian, but the secondary doctrines should not deter us from working with others to bring people to the knowledge of the savior.
This book was a great read. Never boring, Mark shows us our cultural weakness, but follows it up with instructions on how to overcome them.
The narration was great. I have heard Mike Chamberlain read a couple of fiction books before but never a Christian book. As usual he never disappoints.
I recommend this audiobook to everyone, believer or not, and give it 5 out of 5 stars.
I enjoyed this book courtesy of the Christian Audio review program at and received the audio book, free of charge, from and Tyndale House Publishers in exchange for an honest review.
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